Saturday, December 31, 2011

to the new year ahead

2011 has been kind of a crazy year. We saw people rise to fight for their rights, and dictators fall. We saw the rise of new talents and leaders as visionaries and legends left their mark behind. 2011 was the year that everyone decided that they were going to leave their mark on this world, no matter what their goal was or how hard it would be to reach it. I hope in the upcoming year, people keep that attitude alive to inspire those around them. What we all need the most right now is to spread the love. Support each other's good deeds, and stand together to put down those who are ruining the harmony. If every person in this world did one good deed for someone else in need, I promise the world would instantly become a better place. Even if it's just a smile at the cashier or a wave to the neighbor. Spread the love.

As for new year's resolutions, I always have trouble coming up with them. See the thing is, whenever I do come up with a list of legit resolutions, even if it is just two resolutions, I never ever fulfill them. So this year, I decided that I'm not going to have any. From my past experiences, I've realized that nothing ever goes the way it's planned, but whatever does happen always happens for the better. 

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that this year, my only "resolution" is to not have any. I am going to live every day as a single day. Conquer obstacles, embark on adventures, one day at a time.

Happy new year, folks. I hope you all have an opportunity to leave your mark on the world this upcoming year.

Spread the love,

P.s. Check out Naz's post on new year's here!

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We're Hera and Naz. Both of us are full time biology majors at the lovely University of Southern Indiana. When we're not out doing nerdy school stuff, we enjoy shopping, drinking slushies, and of course, writing on this awesome blog.

'What Makes the World Go Round' was started in August of 2011 to be a catch-all for our thoughts. We try and update as much as we can, depending on how hectic our lives. So bear with us. :) Please feel free to browse (by clicking on the cloud tabs above), comment and/or subscribe. We love hearing what you have to say!

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