Friday, December 9, 2011

Our prayers are with you, Virginia Tech.

On Thursday, Dec. 8, a 22-year-old man shot and killed Virginia Tech police officer, Deriek Crouse. About 30 minutes later, he shot himself. Students at Virginia Tech were under lock down as they anxiously waited for the police to find the man and make sure it was safe again. 

This is the second shooting since the 2007 mass shooting at Virginia Tech. I am sure this brought back many horrific memories from that day for many students and staff. It just goes to show how unexpected life can be. Students and staff at Virginia Tech were just going about their normal day, preparing for finals the following day. Never did they think they would have to worry about their safety when walking to class or to the cafeteria. Officer Crouse was just doing his daily routines, not once even contemplating that it may be his last day in his life. Another reminder to be thankful for every moment we get to live. 

We pray for Virginia Tech, hoping they get through this together and stay strong. We give our condolences and prayers to officer Crouse's family and friends.

For the full story, check out this article.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Hera!
    Totally stalking your blog during class and I just came across this now (almost a year later). I just want to say thank youuu!


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