Name: Ellie Goulding
Sounds like: Kate Nash, Imogen Heap
Start with: "Starry Eyed" click here

I've always been an admirer of those woman that look like pixies or fairies come to life. That might sound odd but it's true. You know, those girl with the slender bodies, porcelain skin, and delicate, elongated features. It's like meeting Tinkerbell in real life.
That's exactly why I was so excited when Hera posted Ellie Goulding's "Starry Eyed" music video on my facebook wall. One look at this girl, and you're transported into a world enchanted forests and magic glitter (yes, I'm a five year old girl at heart). But even more so, in a world of Nicki Minjas and Lady Gagas, this girl is like a breath of clean, crisp air. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Nicki and Gaga fan. But it's nice to see a singer whose natural and fresh, without over the top gimmicks.That doesn't mean however, that Ellie doesn't have the same pizzaz as those more flashy artists. She infuses indie pop with a modern electro pop style, creating a truly unique sound. So whether you like softer music or are a hardcore techno fan like me, you can be satisfied. Check out her album Lights and let me know what you think. Personally, I like "Starry Eyed" and "Guns and Horses" so far. Some of the other tracks take a little getting used to, but that's inevitable with innovative types of music such as this.

Peace out kids,
Ps. If you want to download her songs from youtube, you can covert any video into an mp3 format here
omg i love ellie goulding ;) obvs not listening nw cuz of ramadan buh love her ; ) xxx.awwwthankyou for commenting .you 2 seem sooo nice
ReplyDeleteno problem! :)