Thursday, September 15, 2011

did we really just meet Jason Castro?

Jason Castro visited our school for an I Am Second event. Not only did we get to attend the concert, we also got a chance to meet him and get pictures! Here is a little look into each of our experiences.

When Naz texted me Tuesday night that Jason Castro was coming to our school, I freaked out! I couldn't believe it. I assumed the concert would be later on since we were just now finding out about it, but later we found out that the concert was actually the next night! If we hadn't found out in time, we probably would've missed the whole thing and I would've been extremely angry. Excitement built up fast. I couldn't wait for it to be Wednesday night.

And then the moment finally came. It was Wednesday night and me, Alyssa and Naz head out to the concert on campus. When we entered the hall, we were kind of surprised by how there weren't that many people there. I guess not everyone is a crazy Jason Castro fan like us (but seriously people, don't you watch American Idol?). About an hour later, Jason Castro took the stage. He sang a variety of songs and let me just say, he sounded DIVINE. He is better live than he is recorded! He blushed when we all applauded after every song. He was just beyond cute.

After the concert, we rushed to the table where Jason was going to be meeting fans. As we got closer and closer, my heart beat faster and faster. And then....the moment was finally here...and Jason was literally less than a foot away from me. I gushed to him how he was my favorite Idol and how I tweeted to him a billion times. He was so gracious and nice and chatted like he actually cared. It was a wonderful moment. He is the most down to earth famous person I have ever met (you would be surprised by how many famous people I have met/talked to on twitter).

Here are a few snapshots of beautiful Jason and I:


All I have to say is....IT WAS AWESOME! That is all.

Here is THE photograph of Jason and I!

We took a billion photos during the concert and we gotta share them with someone, so enjoy! :D

Stay happy,
Naz and Hera

He was glowing like an angel!
and here comes the ukulele!


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We're Hera and Naz. Both of us are full time biology majors at the lovely University of Southern Indiana. When we're not out doing nerdy school stuff, we enjoy shopping, drinking slushies, and of course, writing on this awesome blog.

'What Makes the World Go Round' was started in August of 2011 to be a catch-all for our thoughts. We try and update as much as we can, depending on how hectic our lives. So bear with us. :) Please feel free to browse (by clicking on the cloud tabs above), comment and/or subscribe. We love hearing what you have to say!

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