Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The thing about living in Evansville is that it's not exactly the fashion capital of the world, or even the US for that matter.  When I first got here, I was dying to always dress up but felt like I never could. It's awkward to wear a blazer when most people around you are in sweats or pajama bottoms. I've gotten my fair share of double takes (I'm not sure if that's how I'm dressed or because I'm foreign--probably both.) But I suppose it's like my roommate says, thats's not just Evansville, it's college life in general. Several weeks ago, I decided it wasn't for me. So now I wear whatever I want to. Even if I do get strange looks

tie up heels-charlotte russe
denim bubble blouse-forever 21
tan blazer-forever 21
glasses necklace-forever 21
lipstick-MAC: Jazzed


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We're Hera and Naz. Both of us are full time biology majors at the lovely University of Southern Indiana. When we're not out doing nerdy school stuff, we enjoy shopping, drinking slushies, and of course, writing on this awesome blog.

'What Makes the World Go Round' was started in August of 2011 to be a catch-all for our thoughts. We try and update as much as we can, depending on how hectic our lives. So bear with us. :) Please feel free to browse (by clicking on the cloud tabs above), comment and/or subscribe. We love hearing what you have to say!

Oh, and also remember to visit often. Happy browsing!
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