So I was browsing the web and I came across this interesting article on the front page of Yahoo! News. It was about the dictator of Syria. NOW, before you guys go "omg, not another blog post about Syria" and close this window, hear me out. This post isn't begging you to help humanity (even though you should), it's just a thought that kinda amazed me.
The article, which you can read here, talked about some emails that were found between Asma al-Assad, the wife of the evil dictator Assad, and a friend. In the email, it is quoted that she wrote, "I am the REAL dictator, he has no choice."
Asma al-Assad |
I was blown away by the power of her words. I then googled her name to see what she looked like because I didn't really know what she looked like. After seeing her picture, I was even more blown away. She was not what I was picturing her to be. Asma looks so beautiful, sophisticated and smart. She is the picture perfect First Lady. Looking at her, you wouldn't think she was actually a psychopath (excuse me for not finding a better word).
It makes me wonder about the power of women. What if Asma wasn't the evil woman behind an evil man? What if she was a good-willed woman behind an evil man? Would the evil man still be vicious or would he get some sense knocked into him? Would he dare slaughter thousands of people knowing how disappointed and unhappy his wife would be?
We often underestimate the power of a spouse, especially a wife. When we look at leaders, whether it be of a country or a company, or even people in general, we often forget how much of a hand their spouse, husband or wife, have on the decisions they make. I know this doesn't necessarily apply to all people, but I think it's safe to say that is applies to most.
We've all heard the very famous and overused proverb, "Behind every great man, there's a great woman." What we don't realize is how true it actually proves to be.
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