Monday, March 5, 2012


The weather in Evansville has taken an unexpected turn, I guess, as unexpected as one can expect from Indiana weather. (Those of you who live in the Hoosier state know what I'm talking about). These days, it can be hot and humid one day and be snowing the next--not to mention the random tornado that nearly blew out most of the southern Midwest. It makes it very difficult to dress appropriately. There has been more than one time where I wore a sweater in 60 degree weather or a chiffon blouse during a cold wind front.  Recently, I've managed Mother Nature's fickle mood by taking my mom's advice and layering. That way, when it does go from hot to cold, I'm not freezing my butt off and vice versa. 

This green shirt is actually a dress which I've bunched up. I love getting pieces that can function as more than one thing. It truly gives you a bang for your buck.

green dress (worn as a shirt)- Forever 21
checkered button down- h&m
vest-Forever 21


  1. love love love it :) you girls' posts make me happy!hows uni going btw?x

  2. love the colors in this outfit. this is a very pretty look mA :)


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