Wednesday, June 13, 2012

(new york) city life

You all probably know by now that I went to New York for a short vacation. If you don't, now you do. Well, it was AWESOME POSSUM. New York City is so amazing. It's like a completely different world. The people walk with a purpose and everything seems to happen at a fast forward rate. It's so different from any other city I've been to.

Times Square at night is quite the sight. We took a walk around at around one in the morning and it was quite interesting. The street artists had taken cover to sleep and the drunken people were wandering around the streets. It was kind of like zombie land almost.

You'd actually be surprised by how small Times Square really is. Standing in the middle of Times Square looking out, you can see the complete darkness that surrounds it. It's quite cool.


I'll do an outfit post on this outfit soon!
During the day, it's completely different. It's about 100x more crowded and people are rushing everywhere. Stopping to get a picture proved to be quite a difficult task. Traffic is ridiculous; walking or taking the subway seems to be the best mode of transportation.


The M&M store is the only place where I actually bought something...

The new World Trade Center! It's so prettiful.
Brother and I.

Many of you have probably been to and/or live(d) there, but for those of you who have never been there, I definitely suggest you go there at least once in your lifetime. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it is definitely a place everyone should experience. Like I said, it's so different than any other city I've been to and I hope to go there again soon!



  1. omg wow!i thought the night life would have been more busier?but it still looks great!and ahh i love aviators too x

    1. That's what I thought too, but it was the opposite! lol


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