Wednesday, August 22, 2012

DIY: Instagram wall

About a month ago, I discovered this web site called Printstagram. This company prints your Instagram photos and they offer a variety of products. You can get a t-shirt, a little book, poster, stickers, or even just simple square prints. When I found the web site, I got really excited because the products they had seemed very cool to me. 

To determine the quality of the products they offer, I ordered a set of 24 square prints. I got to choose which photos on my Instagram account I wanted to print. A few weeks later, my prints came in and let me just say, I am in love with them. They turned out better than I expected and I immediately started to brainstorm how I wanted to display them.

I came up with this idea of an Instagram wall. Instead of spending a lot of money and buying a frame for each print (I had 24 prints...that's a lot of frames), I came up with a cool, retro-ish way to display the prints without breaking the bank. 

Here's what you'll need:
  • Jewelry wire (you can find this at any craft store)
  • Scissors
  • Clothespins
  • Thumb tacks
  • And of course, your Instagram prints

So the first step is to determine how the arrangement of your prints. I had 24, so I decided I was going to have four rows of six prints. Once you've determined that, take a tack and put in on the wall where you would want your row of photos to start.  Take your jewelry wire (it comes in lots of colors; I just picked black because I liked it best) and wrap the end of it tightly around the tack a couple times.

Next, determine how long you want your row to be and straighten out the jewelry wire to that length. The wire is not going to be completely straight. There will be bends and uneveness in the wire, but I think that gives it more character. After you've determined the length, cut the end with the scissors. Repeat the first step with the second tack. Now you should have one row of wire. Next take your Instagram print and hang it on the wire using a clothespin.

Keep adding the photos on there until you reach the end of the row.

Repeat the process with as many prints you have or how ever many rows your want, and voila! You're done! Easy way to display your photos in a kinda artsy, cool way.

I love Instagram because it gives me an excuse to pretend to be an "artsy photographer" when in reality I'm not, and this was an awesome way to display my "artsy" Instagram shots. If you have some memorable Instagram shots that you would like to print out to keep, definitely check out Printstagram. 

Also, you don't have to use just Instagram photos to do this! This is a great way to display some of your favorite family photos, etc. without breaking the bank and buying a bunch of frames.

Let me know what you think of this! 

Til next time,

P.S. Don't forget to follow me and Naz on Instagram (@heraspeaking @nazday)


  1. This is a great idea! I love it because you can change out the photos to make a whole new piece. Thanks for choosing <3U!




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