So I saw this idea floating around on Pinterest and decided to give it a try. It turned out wonderfully! I mean, fruits and chocolate Swiss rolls together on a skewer, what more could one want?
I couldn't keep this refreshing treat to myself so here's how you can enjoy it too.
What you'll need:
Fruits, Bamboo skewers, and Swiss Rolls |
Stick the chocolate Swiss rolls in the freezer the night before for more yummy "kabobs." Slice up fruit of your choice and the cake. I used just pineapples and strawberries because that's all I had at the moment, but you can get cray with the fruit.
Add the fruit to the skewers and put in the freezer for another couple hours (this step is option but highly recommended). And voila!
I get to eat endless Swiss rolls without feeling too guilty ^.^
Happy noms,
Looks delicious !! :)
ReplyDeleteHave to try it out this weekend.
Thanks Hera.