Saturday, April 20, 2013

DIY: Necklace Board

This is so easy, it really shouldn't be considered a "DIY." It's more of an idea for what to do with all your necklaces, especially those statement ones! Storing necklaces can be kinda annoying. The chains always get tangled, and sometimes pieces would fall off my statement necklaces because they'd get caught on something. 

So one day, while I was organizing my life, I decided to make better use of the cork board hanging on my wall. I arranged tacks on the cork board and just laid my necklaces over the tacks. And that's basically all there's to it. Not only do you have easy access to your necklaces, but they also won't get tangled with each other and it looks super cool on the wall. I also added a couple brand tags to give it some personality, ya knooow.

I don't have many necklaces so a small corkboard did the job.

Naz on the other hand....

Give it a try!

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